Are you wondering the difference between a lager beer and ale beer? There are numerous different types of beer; however, a majority of beers are classified into two most common types: lagers and ales. All beers are made using hops, malts, yeast, and water. However, the way it is produce determines whether it is a lager or an ale.

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Most people believe the difference between the two depends on the yeast. Though yeast is not the only factor that has an impact on the quality and taste of the beer. A simple difference between both the beers is that ales are older while lagers are comparatively, a new creation. Let’s have a look at the factors that distinguish the beers.

Fermentation Temperature

One of the factors that distinguish ale from lager is the temperature of fermentation. Lager beers are fermented cold and stored in refrigerated places for weeks or months. The artificial refrigeration has helped in the production of lagers to a great extent.

On the other hand, if the ale is fermented under cold conditions, it will stay underdeveloped. This is why for fermentation of ales, the warm temperature is maintained. The process of fermentation speeds up in warm conditions. You don’t have to store ale beers for longer periods.

Type of Yeast

The major difference between the beers is yeast used for fermenting. Yeast has a key role to play in the quality and types of beer. The temperature of fermentation is also dependent on the type of yeast. The yeast used for lager is from areas such as South America, most certainly Argentina. The yeast found its way back to Germany and is widely used for bocks, pilsners, and Oktoberfest. This type of yeast is the bottom-fermenting yeast that works well in cold temperatures. Yeast in lager beer will have less flavor when finished. Lagers have sharp taste of malt and hops.

The yeast used for ale dates back to the Old World. People have been brewing it for over 7,000 years. For an ale, top-fermented yeast is used that works great at room temperature. The yeast in ale provides a spicy and fruity taste. Some of the most common ales are an Amber Ale, Pale Ale, Stouts, and India Pale Ale.

Quantity of Alcohol

Irrespective of the type of beer, the yeast used has an influence on the quantity of alcohol. The ale yeast is capable of thriving in high alcohol environments. This is the reason why ale has a high amount of alcohol. While lager has a low content of alcohol because it cannot survive in high alcohol atmosphere.

A Final Word

All in all, ale beers are darker and contain high quantity of alcohol. They are stronger and has a fruity taste with a sharp flavor of hops. While lagers have a lighter color, are smoother and sweeter than ale. The alcohol content in lagers is typically low. What type of beer you do you prefer? Let us know in the comments below.